If you’re on a Keto diet but can’t get into ketosis, it can be frustrating.
I’m doing everything right. Why is my body not going into ketosis?
The reason you aren’t entering ketosis—the reason you aren’t burning fat and producing ketones—may be hiding in plain sight. It just takes a little detective work to discover it.
This doesn’t mean you need hours of sleuthing. Just take five minutes to read this article and let these tips and troubleshooting steps guide you.
How You Enter Ketosis
Ketosis is generally defined as the elevation of ketones in your blood. Ketones—molecules that serve as alternative energy for the brain and body—are produced in the liver through the oxidation (burning) of fat.[*]
There are several ways to enter ketosis:
- By restricting carbs (the Ketogenic diet)[*]
- By fasting
- By exercising
- By taking exogenous ketone supplements
We’ll focus on the first bullet today: the Keto diet. Entering ketosis through carb restriction is known as nutritional ketosis, and elevated ketones are generally (but not always) a sign that you’re doing Keto right.
How does cutting carbs get you burning fat and producing ketones? By harnessing the ancient wisdom of the human body.
Here’s the thing. When carbs are around, your body uses them. Glucose (from carbs) is a preferred fuel for your body, especially your brain.
But when carbs are scarce—as they often were in 20,000 BC—your body activates its backup energy system: Ketosis. This means, more or less, that body fat gets released from storage and sent to your liver for ketone production.[*]
When ketones are produced in sufficient quantity, you’re in ketosis. Now instead of running on carbs, your body runs on fat and ketones.
But how do you know, beyond any doubt, that you’re in ketosis? Keep reading.
Measuring Ketones
Blood tests are the gold standard for measuring ketone levels, but you don’t need to visit a lab. Simply use an at-home device (we recommend the Keto-Mojo meter) to receive nearly instant results.
Blood tests detect a ketone body called beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) in your blood. As a general rule, if the test comes back between 0.5 millimole/Liter (mmol/L) and 3.0 mmol/L BHB, you’re in the green zone of nutritional ketosis.
Note: if you have diabetes—especially type 1 diabetes—keeping blood ketones under 3 mmol/L can help avoid a serious complication called diabetic ketoacidosis.[*] Working with a savvy healthcare professional is highly recommended.
Along with blood testing, you can also measure ketones in the urine and breath.
Urine strips aren’t as precise or valid as blood testing, but they’re easier to use. Just pee on the strip and it changes color to indicate your level of ketosis. Research published in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism suggests the best times to measure urinary ketones are before breakfast and after dinner.[*]
Lastly, breath. Breath testing, which measures a ketone called acetone, has been shown to correlate with blood and urinary levels of BHB, but it’s less established than the other methods.[*]

Why Am I Not In Ketosis?
With ketone measurement handled, let’s explore the top two reasons why you can’t get into ketosis on your Keto diet.
#1: Not enough time
If you’re doing everything right but not in ketosis, you may simply need more time.
Getting into ketosis isn’t like cooking a roast. You don’t just set the oven at 275 degrees for 2 hours, go watch a movie, and come back to a perfect result.
Your body is unlike any other body. Because of this, your time to ketosis won’t be quite the same as anyone else's.
For instance, an elite athlete may enter ketosis following an overnight fast, even if they ate a high-carb dinner the night before. A more sedentary person, however, may take several days (and perhaps more) of Keto dieting before they enter nutritional ketosis.
How long will it take you to get into ketosis? That depends on many factors, including:
- Genetics
- Activity levels
- Sleep
- Your current metabolic health
- Your eating schedule
- How often you fast
- Carb intake
- Fat intake
Some of these are within your control, others aren’t. The crucial lever, though, is adherence to your Keto macros. Which brings us to reason number two...
#2: Not tracking macros properly
To succeed on Keto, you need to get your macros (your fat, protein, and carbs) handled. Practically speaking, this means eating 60-70% of calories from fat, 20-30% from protein, and 5-10% from carbs.
This eating pattern sends a signal to your body: “Carbs are scarce! Time to burn fat and make ketones!”
Carb restriction is the key. Remember, restricting carbs activates your backup, fat-burning, ketogenic energy system.
Limiting carbs is simple in principle, but often difficult in practice. Hidden carbs (usually refined sugar) are everywhere. They hide in salads, soups, sauces, dressings, and most anything that comes in a package.
And if you eat too many carbs, you probably won’t enter ketosis. This is where a macro tracker like Carb Manager comes in handy. Get your carbs handled, and your body typically takes care of the rest.

Tips For Getting In Ketosis
“Why can’t I get into ketosis?”
-You, 5 minutes ago
Did this article give you some clues? Hope so.
To wrap up, here are some rapid-fire tips to accelerate your journey into ketosis.
- Limit your carbs. We’ve been over this ground, but it’s worth repeating. If over 10% of your calories come from carbs, you’ll likely have trouble entering nutritional ketosis.
- Eat more fat. Fat is the other side of the Keto macro coin. As carbs go down, fat goes up. So don’t skimp on olive oil, butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, animal fat, and other keto-friendly fats.
- Consider intermittent fasting. Fasting is a form of carb restriction, and a nice compliment to the Keto diet. When you fast, levels of insulin (your energy storage hormone) stay low. Low insulin, in turn, sends the ketosis bat signal to cells in your liver.
- Take MCT oil. Medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil is a type of fat derived from coconut oil. When you ingest MCT oil, it travels straight to the liver for ketone production.[*] It’s a nice little hack to elevate ketone levels.
- Sleep. Adequate sleep improves carbohydrate metabolism and curbs hunger hormones—both useful for fostering a ketogenic state.[*], [*]
- Exercise. Even if you don't eat Keto, you’ll likely enter post-exercise ketosis following a bout of activity. Exercise also improves insulin function, which feeds back into your fat-burning capacity.[*]
One final tip: Don’t navigate your Keto journey alone! The Carb Manager app is here to help you with macro tracking, ketone tracking, a database with over 1 million foods, expert guidance and support, recipes, and much more.
Carb Manager makes ketosis manageable. Are you ready to get started?
SuperKale229248 2 years ago
A very useful synopsis of the things that can keep you out of ketosis. The app seems like it could be useful for some people. Personally, I found it a bit of a faff to use and I prefer to use a spreadsheet. It is quite easy to set up a couple of sheets - one with the calorie/carb/protein/etc. values for foods that I eat and a second sheet with a diary that looks up the values in the other sheet and totals them each day. Mostly, my intake consists of meals that I have had before so it is a very simple matter to log what I eat by cutting and pasting from previous days. I expect to be able to give up logging completely after a couple of months. By that time my intake will be habitually correct and I will just be able to monitor my GKI. Good luck to you all!
RousingRadish549656 2 years ago
Seems I have "fat fingers too". To continue.. I've managed to loose around 8 lbs since beginning the journey. Feeling less stress and more energy. Began using the CM app shortly after starting. Plan staying on the Ketogenic lifestyle. At my Cardiologist appointment in April, I'll ask them to include Ketone tests in the blood work. Perhaps a bit premature, but a good baseline measurement.
RousingRadish549656 2 years ago
I'm nearly 82 years and feel that I need a lifestyle change. I quit smoking 9 years ago (COLD TURKEY). Quit drinking too, also COLD TURKEY but only about two months ago. Been on modified or dirty Keto for 14 days now
ExcellentRadish162626 3 years ago
I have been using the CM app since June and I have lost 40 lbs. I follow my macros religiously and around August I fell out of ketosis and have not been able to get back in. I am allowed 16 carbs a day but I use about 10 of those daily. I use MCT oil or powder daily in my bulletproof coffee which I absolutely love. I can loose a pound here and there but my ketones only reach .02 on my keto blood meter. I have 1.5 pounds to go to reach my first goal and then I will reset my app for 5 more pounds for my second goal but not sure why I cannot reach ketosis anymore. Any ideas out there? All suggestions are welcomed 😊
PropitiousArugula280005 a year ago
How's your water intake and exercise regiment going? Stress and sleep are also important to keep your eye on. Hope you reach your goal but feeling better is just as important
UpbeatAvocado777 3 years ago
I'm Starting Today! 🤩 Day #1
Jamfore 3 years ago
I have been doing this for a week and have gained weight have ringing in ears and bloating, feeling discouraged.
FantasticArugula426487 5 months ago
I am in day 4 of this new diet. Ears ringing and a fogginess are what I am feeling. BUT....way less hunger and no floaty feeling. I'm gonna stick it out....
MirthfulCauliflower185836 a year ago
I had ketonflu on day 7 but it was gone the next day. Hang in there
dbond007 4 years ago
Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since I started & my blood test meter reads, "0.2" & I meet my goals daily! My sons been on Keto for 2 yrs, so I've had the best teacher. I'm 53 & feel that either my metabolism or hormonal state may be the cause. I've lost 5 plds. There are days I still have minor keto flu symptoms. I bike a LOT & let me tell ya, it's a struggle, even for 10 simple easy miles. My legs burn & feel dead. Not giving up! I started this & I will finish!!!! :) Anyone else?
PropitiousArugula280005 a year ago
Hang in there bud! Have you tried intermittent fasting yet?
SuperKetone845180 4 years ago
I have been on the keto diet at least a month with no weight loss and actually a little gain. I am using carb manager and and think I’m pretty accurate with recording. I do not meet goals of fat and protein but do seem to meet goals of carbs and calories plus 30 minutes of fast treadmill every day. My ketosis on the strip says trace. I have not ever eaten much fat in my diet, mostly carbs (sugar) since I was young. I have been slim all my life till I entered my 60’s and now I cannot get rid of 10 lbs I’ve gained. I do think the carbs are not tolerated by my body anymore with aging. I like the idea of the increased fats to keep me satisfied and not craving carbs as I’ve seen happening with my appetite. Not sure what the issue here is for me. Hidden carbs? My body taking longer to adjust to the new diet of increased fats? Thank you
FantasticArugula426487 5 months ago
My inspiration for starting this was a book called "Why we get sick" and the emphasize definitely was on macros NOT total calories. Maybe you aren't getting enough calories overall and not enough fats? I am 50 and the idea of adding oil and fat to everything seems insane based on how I was brought up...but I also am a scientist at heart so the data speaks to me. Hope you're doing better!
StupendousCauliflower261508 4 years ago
So that means you’re not actually on a keto diet, you’re on a low carb or calorie restricted diet. Getting the ratios right is important. At least that’s what worked for me! I just started two weeks ago and have been reading a lot. I am obviously not an expert, so if that’s not right, i hope someone will correct me. Good luck!
StupendousCauliflower261508 4 years ago
I’m not an expert at all but I had this same issue. What I think I understand is this… It’s critical to lower carbs, but to get into ketosis you have to meet the fat and protein goals (especially the fat) before focusing on calories. If you look at your actual carb, protein and fat intake and convert those into percentages, you will probably find that those percentages do not come out to 5/20/75.
Subbie4 4 years ago
I have been on the plan for about 2 weeks using Ketostix Strips and I am only at 0.5 trace only. I do the intermediate fast every day and only eat at 12:30 but I cannot seem to eat my quota according to goals of fat & protein I am well below my calories goal as well by 200 to 300. I do reach about 21 g of carbs per day. I have only lost 4 lbs, is it because I am not reaching fat & protein goals. Can I take a tablespoon of MCT oil to help me get to my total daily consumption or what else can I do. I need help do not want to get discouraged as I am so motivated.
Juls92 3 years ago
Hope its going better for you. Yes, you can use MCT oil to help get the fat in. Use the app to play around with your meals and snacks, it helps to figure out what to eat for the day and get your macros right. If I'm having some cottage cheese, I'll add a tablespood of MCT oil. The oil is ok in coffee too. 1.5 tablesppons is a tad too much for me at once.
StupendousCauliflower261508 4 years ago
I had this issue too. See my (two part) reply to the message above. I hope it helps!
Mrsc08 4 years ago
I'm no expert, but from what I've read, you want to be between trace & .5 for weight-loss.
Lulubelle 4 years ago
Sounds exactly like me! Hope you get a response to your question. I find the ketostix difficult to read and wonder if trace to small is sufficient for state of ketosis sufficient for weight reduction.